Welcome to EMD Serono's Request Management System

At EMD Serono, we are passionate about partnering with organizations across all our therapeutic areas to advance our mission of transforming patients’ lives by developing and delivering meaningful therapies for difficult-to-treat diseases. Every year we give generously to support educational activities, special events, fundraisers, and charitable organizations.

When we give, we aspire to address diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in our communities, medical schools, research labs, medical practices, clinical trials, and classrooms. For that reason, we prioritize our financial support for requests that have a DEI component.

Click Here to download our Quick Guide to Requests.

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Accredited Continuing Education for Health Professionals:

  • This type of funding Request is for accredited continuing education for all health professions. We do not fund non-accredited medical education programs.
  • Only accredited continuing education providers may apply for this type of funding.

Our Coordinator for Accredited Continuing Medical Education Requests may be reached at fundingrequests@emdserono.com

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We support a variety of organizations through a broad range of activities and programs. This support includes funding accredited continuing education for health professionals, patient education, fellowships, donations to independent charity patient support programs, charitable contributions, and sponsorships.


From time to time, EMD Serono issues RFPs regarding its interest in receiving proposals from third parties for Medical Education and Fellowship programs.  Current RFPs and deadlines are posted here.

There are no RFPs at this time. Please continue to check here for available RFPs.


  • Sponsorships, Exhibits & Displays
    • This type of funding Request is for sponsoring third-party conferences, meetings, programs, events, exhibit booths, and display tables. In exchange for its funding, EMD Serono expects to receive a material commercial benefit (e.g., named as a tier sponsor, logo on event material or screen, a display table, etc.).
    • This type of funding Request may not be used to “sponsor” a specific, individual accredited continuing education program at a conference. Financial support for such programs is provided through Requests for Accredited Continuing Education for Health Professionals. However, sponsorship of a conference where various medical education programs are offered is appropriate.
    • Both healthcare-related sponsorships (e.g., medical congress) and non-healthcare-related sponsorships (e.g., local community event) are covered by this type of Request.
    • The following types of organizations and individuals are not eligible to request funding for a Sponsorship, Exhibit or Display: physician group practices, physician-owned clinics, managed care organizations, pharmacy benefit managers, individuals (including individual HCPs, residents, fellows, etc.), college alumni associations, and religious organizations (to support religion or religious beliefs.
  • Patient Education
    • This type of funding Request is to support independent educational events or activities that are designed to educate patients and/or their caregivers on topics related to management of a disease or condition.
    • Only patient advocacy groups, medical societies, and professional medical education companies may apply for this type of funding.
    • The following types of organizations and individuals are not eligible to request funding for independent patient education events and activities: individual HCPs, physician group practices, physician-owned clinics, managed care organizations, and pharmacy benefit managers.
  • Charitable Contributions (Donations)
    • This type of funding Request is a donation to support the general operations of a charitable, non-profit organization.
    • The donation should not be designated or “earmarked” to support a particular, identifiable event, program or activity of the organization. Support for a specific event, program or activity may only be provided through a request for a Sponsorship. Donations are to support an organization’s general operating expenses.
    • Both healthcare-related organizations (e.g., charitable hospital) and non-healthcare-related organizations (e.g., local non-profit food bank) may request a charitable donation.
    • The following types of organizations and individuals are not eligible to request a charitable donation: physician group practices, physician-owned clinics, managed care organizations, pharmacy benefit managers, individuals (including individual HCPs, residents, fellows, etc.), college alumni associations, and religious organizations (to support religion or religious beliefs).
  • Fellowships
    • This type of funding Request is available for 3 different types of Fellowships. Be sure to read the description of each type of Fellowship below so that you apply for the correct type.
    • Traditional Clinical or Research Fellowships – These programs are designed and delivered by medical societies, clinical centers, universities, other scientific organizations, or the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and similar federal or state agencies to support the development of graduate and post-graduate students or fellows in medical and scientific research and/or education. For an NIH or similar federal/state agency fellowship, the fellowship recipient must be an intramural physician at NIH or the agency.
    • Advocacy Fellowships – These programs are designed and delivered by health-related advocacy groups to support education, development, and training of health leaders (i.e., fellows) on how to become effective advocates or how to improve their advocacy skills. The focus of Advocacy Fellowships may include, without limitation, addressing issues such as effective advocacy strategies (i.e., grassroots organizing and coalition building, media and messaging, legislative advocacy, public interest lobbying), how to engage in public policy at the local, state and national levels while developing an advocacy network of non-profit leaders, how to skillfully and compassionately guide patients and their families through the managed care and healthcare systems, etc.
      • Advocacy groups are defined as formally organized non-profit groups that (1) concern themselves with medical conditions or potential medical conditions and (2) have a mission and take actions that seek to help people affected by those medical conditions and/or their families and caregivers.
    • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Fellowships – These programs are designed and delivered by medical societies, clinical centers, universities, other scientific organizations, NIH and similar federal/state agencies, or advocacy groups to support graduates, post-graduates or fellows in a wide variety of medical and scientific research and/or education which is primarily dedicated to and expressly addresses diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) issues in the medical profession and/or patient populations. Such DEI issues could include, without limitation, addressing disparities in access to and delivery of healthcare, enhancing opportunities to diversify the pipeline (i.e., underrepresentation of minority populations in the medical profession pipeline), addressing unconscious bias among treating physicians (for patients) and gatekeepers for career advancement (for medical students, fellows, young physicians, etc.), enhancing health literacy, and patient-centered education.
    • The following people and organizations are not eligible to receive any type of fellowship funding: individual HCPs, physician group practices, physician-owned clinics, managed care organizations, and pharmacy benefit managers.
  • Independent Charity Patient Assistance Programs
    • This type of funding Request is to support independent non-profit charities (with an OIG Opinion) who provide “safety net assistance” to patients of limited means through properly-structured patient assistance programs.

Our Coordinator for these types of Requests may be reached at fundingrequests@emdserono.com